Role of a Mentor / Coach in startup eco-system
Design and innovation are placed in the intersection of Business, Human Values, and Technology. in this beautiful Venn diagram. (Image credit: Stanford D-school) Design and Innovation for product or service […]
Six ‘P’s of Innovation @ your organization
Are you on a journey of making your organization Design and Innovation Centric? Enterprises of all sizes know the value of innovation for their business. Many business leaders are exploring […]
Ideation tools workshop (Bangalore Design Day 18 July 2015)
I really enjoyed being with around 45 energetic designers, ‘Bangalore Design day event. It was a great experience talking to a very ‘live’ audience including students and very senior and experienced […]
Short talk and hands on workshop ‘Ideation in design process’
Friends, They have invited me for a short talk and conducting a hands-on workshop in the Bangalore Design day this Saturday. Ideation in design process Designers from different backgrounds (not just […]
Research, Technology + Art, Creativity, Design = Innovation
Research, Technology, AND Art, Creativity, Design are the building blocks of INNOVATION The human brain is said to have two halves left brain and right brain. Many researchers believe that the […]
JUGAAD the Robinson Crusoe Style of Innovation.
Makeshift product innovation: “from whatever resources available” ‘Jugaad’ is quite a popular word in the Indian design & development community. JUGAAD is also a local name for a makeshift automobile […]