Which text-generative AI is better for helping in Design research ?


Can the text-generative AI tools research, and generate a note that can guide professionals? Let’s find out which of the 3 industry-leading tools does a better job. This time I requested the AI wizards to help me create a report. The three text-generative AI tools did create the report, and I am trying to analyze, which report is more useful to me I am measuring the ‘Research Capability!’ of these 3 text-generative AI tools. In this experiment, I served the same textual prompt to our three contenders.

[Disclaimer: These are purely my unbiased views based on one simple Experiment. All three 3 are industry-leading respectable brands and this experiment does not mean to disrespect either of them]

The Prompt:

“Create a note on ‘What challenges Designers will be facing’ in designing systems that support people working in the palliative health care industry globally. Will there be any Effect of cultural differences across the geographies on these design considerations?”

Which of the contenders helps Design professionals with Contextual research for their Domain-specific design project? Let’s see which tool has better ‘Research Intelligence‘.

I am intentionally not sharing their names, instead calling them Contenders A, B, and C. Later I want the readers to guess who the real names are.

The Result

This is my method of evaluation. Feel free to challenge it.

Contender A (3/10) proved to be not very useful, with only 3/10 points. whereas its almost a TIE between Contender B (8/10), and Contender C (9/10). Still frankly I think Contender C wins here, simply because Contender C puts things forward not in a matter-of-fact manner, but the text is written as if a Research expert is guiding a student, giving the way forward and so on.

Let me summarise my evaluation based on the Quality and Usefulness of the Research:

Contender A (3/10 Points):

Contender A picked up principles of the objectives of design, Making systems easy to use, and Intuitive.
A also mentioned the systems need to become flexible, and adaptable to different cultures and geographies. The mapping of these design principles to the domain subject sounded a little shallow, and straight forward. When it comes to recommendations for designers, A was not able to provide much Help.

and gets 2 out of 10.

Contender B (8/10 Points):

Contender B had a much more articulated reply. Came up with an appropriate title, and clear introduction to the subject. B also gave me a list of 6 Challenges in Design, and elaborated them well. Contender B Understood and explained the Palliative Care domain very well, and thought-through and articulated the research pointers well.

Contender B also gave me 3 pointers for the effects of cultural differences. these 3 are good pointers for the designer.

B also offered a conclusion which sounded like advice offered by an domain expert or a guide.
B proved to be helpful for a designer starting this domain research, Hence I will give 8 points out of 10

Contender C (9/10 Points):

C also started with a well-articulated title.
For challenges in designing systems, considering global audience, Contender C response was also very well articulated, and grounded in the Domain context. Contender C gave 5 pointers, which mostly overlap with that of B. Contender C also gave specific pointers for cultural differences like B. The points explained are more consumable for designers.

The last section Recommendations for Designers is what made Contender C definitely better than A and B. with clear Recommendations of a Real User research, Partner with Healthcare professionals community and so on are actually really nice recommendations for a designer. It clearly gives pointers to consider for the Design researcher, as well as a way forward, with what to do next.
I would certainly give a 9/10 points for this


Contenders B, and C were really good for guiding the Design Researcher, but still C proves to be a much better Guide as it gives Recommendations and way forward. where as A was not of much help.

Contender A was not much helpful for the Design research, B and C both were useful with appropriate pointers and content for the specific domain, and Specific context of Design and Regional

Here below, is the exact output created by all Contestants.

Contender A

Designing systems that support people working in the palliative health care industry globally is a challenging task. One of the primary challenges is to create systems that are easy to use and intuitive for the users. Palliative care workers often have to deal with patients who are in a lot of pain and discomfort, and they need to be able to access the necessary information quickly and efficiently. Designers must ensure that the systems they create are user-friendly and do not add to the stress of the workers.

Another challenge is to create systems that are flexible and adaptable to different cultures and geographies. Palliative care is a global issue, and different cultures have different beliefs and practices when it comes to end-of-life care. Designers must take into account these cultural differences and design systems that are sensitive to the needs of different cultures. For example, some cultures may prefer to have family members present during end-of-life care, while others may not. Designers must ensure that their systems can accommodate these cultural differences.

In conclusion, designers will face several challenges in designing systems that support people working in the palliative health care industry globally. They must create systems that are easy to use, intuitive, flexible, and adaptable to different cultures and geographies. By doing so, they can help improve the quality of life for patients and make the work of palliative care workers more manageable.

Contender B

Title: Challenges in Designing Systems for Palliative Health Care: A Global Perspective

Introduction: Designing systems to support individuals working in the palliative health care industry globally poses unique challenges that require careful consideration. The nature of palliative care demands a compassionate and holistic approach, and designers must navigate a range of obstacles to create effective and culturally sensitive solutions.

Challenges in Design:

  1. Diversity in Palliative Care Settings:
    • Palliative care environments vary widely across the globe, from well-established facilities in developed countries to resource-constrained setups in developing regions. Designers need to create scalable solutions that can adapt to diverse infrastructures without compromising quality of care.
  2. Technological Infrastructure:
    • Disparities in technological infrastructure and access to advanced tools can impede the implementation of digital solutions. Designers must create systems that are versatile enough to function in environments with limited technological resources while still leveraging innovation where possible.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity:
    • Cultural beliefs and practices significantly influence the perception and delivery of palliative care. Designers must be attuned to cultural nuances to ensure that systems respect and align with diverse values, traditions, and expectations.
  4. Multidisciplinary Collaboration:
    • Palliative care involves collaboration among various healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists. Designers need to develop systems that facilitate seamless communication and coordination among these interdisciplinary teams to enhance patient care.
  5. Privacy and Ethical Considerations:
    • Palliative care involves sensitive and personal information. Designers must prioritize robust security measures to protect patient data while also addressing ethical considerations related to end-of-life decisions and family dynamics.
  6. Training and Education:
    • Continuous training and education are crucial for healthcare professionals in the palliative care sector. Designers should incorporate user-friendly interfaces and provide easily accessible resources within the systems to support ongoing learning and skill development.

Effect of Cultural Differences:

  1. Communication Styles:
    • Cultural differences influence communication styles, which is particularly crucial in palliative care. Designers must consider variations in communication norms and preferences, ensuring that the system supports effective and culturally sensitive communication between healthcare providers, patients, and families.
  2. End-of-Life Decision-Making:
    • Cultural attitudes towards end-of-life decision-making vary significantly. Designers should develop systems that allow for flexibility in documenting and respecting diverse preferences, ensuring that the technology supports culturally sensitive approaches to discussing and managing these critical decisions.
  3. Spiritual and Religious Considerations:
    • Palliative care often involves addressing spiritual and religious needs. Designers need to be mindful of incorporating features that respect and accommodate diverse spiritual and religious practices, ensuring that the system supports the holistic well-being of patients in a culturally sensitive manner.

Conclusion: Designing systems for the palliative health care industry globally is a complex task that requires a nuanced understanding of both the sector’s unique challenges and the diverse cultural contexts in which it operates. By addressing these challenges and incorporating cultural sensitivity into the design process, technology can play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of palliative care on a global scale.

Contender C

What Challenges Designers will face in Designing Systems for Palliative Healthcare Globally: Considerations for Cultural Differences

Note: This note is based on the current date and time of Saturday, 23 December 2023 09:45 IST.

Challenges in Design:

Designing systems for palliative healthcare presents unique challenges across the globe, due to a multitude of factors:

Effect of Cultural Differences:

Cultural differences significantly impact design considerations for palliative care systems:

Recommendations for Designers:

By carefully considering these challenges and the impact of cultural differences, designers can create effective and culturally sensitive palliative care systems that support people around the globe in their end-of-life journeys.

Note: This is a starting point for further exploration. Consider researching specific cultural contexts and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to gain deeper insights and tailor your design solutions accordingly.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.