Should UX designers get short course in Product Management?

I was wondering, should UX designers get a short training on Product Management or should the PMs take a short course in UX? Either way, let’s learn the other side of the story for sure. Recently I met up with a Product Manager, who said, I am ‘Done’ with the UX design, now that I […]

Ideation tools workshop (Bangalore Design Day 18 July 2015)

I really enjoyed being with around 45 energetic designers, ‘Bangalore Design day event. It was a great experience talking to a very ‘live’ audience including students and very senior and experienced design professionals working in variety of industries. Enfolding my favorite toolkit, with select case studies, sharing my thoughts and actually working hands on with some […]

Short talk and hands on workshop ‘Ideation in design process’

Friends, They have invited me for a short talk and conducting a hands-on workshop in the Bangalore Design day this Saturday. Ideation in design process Designers from different backgrounds (not just IT) are expected to join. I thought some of you, especially product managers might be interested in joining. Feel free to RSVP on the meetup […]