Case Study:
Cloud Migration Dashboard
The customer was in the business of helping companies migrate their digital infrastructure to the cloud. For this, they used several methods, which needed to be converted into a unified product.
Migration to the cloud involves many tricky decisions and also needs overview visualizations of the process – ranging from from inception to suggested/deployed configurations and even extending to stabilization. A lot of the product also was intended to enable and speed up decision-making during various phases of the migration process.
Each complete migration exercise consisted of multiple waves that accomplished specific aspects of the overall task. The proposed tool to help corporates migrate to the cloud could only be made easier by deploying visualizations that conveyed a real-time idea about current status or planned configuration, in every wave of migration. The visualization also needed to help in creating reports that enable quick decision-making on the desired outcomes and costs.
Easy and intuitive visualizations were created (which were also technically accurate). Generation of reports and estimates of various stages of the migration waves and cycle was also created for multiple stakeholders.
The visualizations that represented each wave of migration were much appreciated, as they were a lucid interpretation of technical complexity as information graphics which could be understood much faster and provided a bird’s eye view. This information (also embedded in estimates and reports) managed to enable faster decision-making as well as quick deployment, due to the data being made easily perceivable.